Honoring Our Educators

Each year when August sneaks up at the end of summer, we replay our summer memories, find ways to save on back to school costs, and attempt to get our kiddos pumped for a new school year. This year, we’d like to shed some additional light on the true heroes of the education system – our teachers. Whether it’s a college professor who helped us cross the finish line, an outside mentor who supported our athletic ambitions, or an elementary teacher who helped instill our passion for the arts; there are countless educators who are responsible for impacting our lives for the better. Today, we’d like to share just a small handful of stories about the educators in our personal lives. Today we want to thank the individuals who helped us to become who we are today. Educators, teachers, mentors, friends; this blog is dedicated to you!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Susan Schultz, Retail Receptionist
EDUCATOR NAME: Mrs. Melba Shank was my third-grade teacher.
STORY: Mrs. Shank recognized and encouraged my creative writing skills.  After I graduated high school, our paths crossed several times and we began exchanging Christmas cards up to the year before she passed away at the age of 100. Her Christmas letters were so entertaining and written in prose.  She was sharp minded until the end and always included a personal note with her letter.
IMPACT: She and other teachers at Dunkerton fostered my love of learning, challenged me to explore possibilities, opened my mind to accept differences in people, and finally encouraged care and kindness with others.
SHOUT OUT: I would say "Thank you for having been a great teacher. You have impacted not only my life, but others by being you and sharing your passion for education."

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Melissa Mulder, Personal Banker
EDUCATOR NAME: Vickie Anstey
STORY: My mom is a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, or the "Home Ec" teacher at my high school. She's the teacher that every student ought to have. Teaching such vast life skills like cooking, sewing, leadership, child development, human development, and so many more STEM fields is exhausting. She teaches six different subjects every day, to kids 6-12 grade! She is a true Wonder Woman!
IMPACT: Not only is she my mom, so that is a huge impact, but she has touched the lives of so many students. She is a second mom to so many people. She is always willing to go above and beyond for her students!
SHOUT OUT: Mom, I love you! You are the best mom I could have asked for!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Chris Schildroth, Controller and LSB Financial COO
EDUCATOR NAME: Larry Messerly
STORY: Mr. Messerly never let us forget that "debits = credits". Debits to the hall, credits to the window, and C is for Copy.
IMPACT: I LOVED junior year accounting, and Mr. Messerly is the reason I became a CPA. He made classes fun and interesting, and never accepted anything but our best work.
SHOUT OUT: Thanks Mr. Messerly for sparking my love of accounting!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Nick Vonderhaar, SBA Credit Specialist
STORY: Dr. Olsen was the best professor I had at UNI. I had advanced financial management with him during my last semester, and even though my motivation was lacking, I learned a lot and could tell he cared deeply about his students. The amount of time he put into ensuring his class was the best set him apart from most professors I had in college.
IMPACT: Olsen taught me a lot about what it looks like to be passionate about the work you do.
SHOUT OUT: Thank you for all the hard work you put into making the courses you taught the best they could be. Even though my motivation was low my last semester because I could see the finish line, you still pushed me and taught me a lot regarding finance and integrity in the workplace. Thanks, and go Panthers!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Sarah Hawker, Customer Service Associate 
STORY: I was having a rough time in sixth grade and she let me eat lunch with her in the classroom and talk about my problems. Then she helped me to resolve them.
IMPACT: She was kind and classy and helped to mold me into the person I am today.
SHOUT OUT: Thank you for being a kind and caring person and loving your students.

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Rosemary Lang, Senior Loan Servicing Specialist
EDUCATOR NAME: Larry Messerly
STORY: I love how the Operations Department are all former students of Mr. Messerly.
IMPACT: He was straight-forward and taught you to have a good base of knowledge.
SHOUT OUT: Thanks.

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Tonya Spencer, Mortgage Loan Coordinator
STORY: He always pushed me to be a better person and singer. He supported me on not only school-related things, but when my parents were getting divorced he was there for me. Great man.
IMPACT: Taught me how to come out of my shell. I was a very shy person.
SHOUT OUT: Thanks for everything. I know that you are one of my angels up there for me.

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Katie Hansen, Digital Marketing Coordinator
EDUCATOR NAME: Penny Toay, Waverly-Shell Rock Language Arts Teacher
STORY: Ironically, Ms. Toay gave me a detention in the eighth grade. A boy in my grade had called me something crass, and thirteen-year-old me decided to retaliate using physical force – bad idea. Instead of telling me to act like a lady, Ms. Toay told me that boys shouldn’t talk that way and she completely understood my frustration. She was the first educator in my life to show me understanding when it came to the complexities of growing up.  Because of her, I’ve learned how to not only have a voice, but how the English language can ignite that voice to make it heard. 
IMPACT: Ms. Toay gave me insights to help keep my mind open and showed me how to question my own surroundings while giving me the tools to succeed beyond them. 
SHOUT OUT: This is still my favorite lesson from middle school. I can’t thank you enough for giving young girls like me a strong and articulate role model at that age. 

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Michele Knaack, VP Treasury Management Officer
EDUCATOR NAME: Timothy McMahon
IMPACT: Mr. McMahon always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. He taught me to embrace the odd and different things in my life and that those things made life more beautiful. Look at the imperfections in the art of the world as signatures of uniqueness.
SHOUT OUT: Thank you for your part in my journey. I will never forget you!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Autumn Ackerman, Customer Service Associate 
EDUCATOR NAME: Mark Ryan, Hawkeye Community College
STORY: Mark Ryan was the kind of professor that made you feel comfortable to go to him on more than just school work. He gives his best advice for personal issues as well. He was always my "go to" during my time at Hawkeye
IMPACT: He made my entire experience with Hawkeye a great one. I will always give a positive recommendation to Hawkeye because of professors like him!
SHOUT OUT: Thanks for making such a positive impact on me during my time at Hawkeye. I tell everyone who has the opportunity to take your classes to do so! You're a great professor and mentor!

STORY: He would walk into the classroom not saying two words. Would grab a yard stick and hand it to someone, have them stand like they are batting at the plate, grab a roll of toilet paper (we used for kleenex) and 'pitch' the toilet paper roll to the student.  And they would have to try to hit it.  Everyone would laugh and laugh and then he would go right into his history lesson.
IMPACT: Always positive.  Helped everyone.
SHOUT OUT: Thank you for being a great role model!  I always think about how much fun your classroom was!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Sarah Thompson, Branch Manager
STORY: She had a way of engaging everyone in class. 
IMPACT: She believed in me and my ability.  It was because of her that I decided to get a degree in English.
SHOUT OUT: Thank you for all that you have done for your students throughout your years of teaching!

LSB EMPLOYEE, TITLE: Trevor Lewis, Loan Operations Intern
EDUCATOR NAME: Rachel Nelson-Loupee, Marshalltown High School
STORY: Mrs. Loupee was the best business teacher I could have asked for in high school. I took the majority of the business classes offered and she is one of the main reasons why I am pursuing a degree in Agricultural Business and Finance
IMPACT: She was always willing to help with any problems I was having, no matter if it was her class or not and she would always make sure I was succeeding and staying involved.
SHOUT OUT: I probably wouldn't be in the position I am today without you! You are the kind of person who takes care of your students even years after they graduate, like you were willing to help me with my college accounting class and even recommended internships that are available. I know I can always contact you with any business or professional related issues I might be having. Thanks for making a huge impact on my life!

Thank you again to these amazing men and woman for their lifelong impact and kindness throughout our younger years. We have become the individuals we are today because of your effort, examples, and wisdom.

Lincoln Savings Bank. Member FDIC. 

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